
Brownline | Cases

A customized service

The track record with our Gyro steering tool and add-on modules spans in excess of 20,000 completed drills. Each project has its own story and its own hurdles that needed to be negotiated. Our reliable and unique service offering was a big driver in the completion of each of these projects. 

Record drill under Missouri river

In 2019, Brownline has taken part in a US national record length drill of 13,247 foot (4.037 meter) in North Dakota. ...

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Detroit River Crossing - USA & Canada border

In 2019, our experienced personnel from both sides of the border teamed up to complete the 3940ft (1200m) crossing under...

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Connecting an oil pipeline to an oil terminal in Houston, USA

An oil pipeline originating from an oil terminal in the harbor of Houston needed to cross the harbor for distribution...

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