
News from Brownline

Read the latest news on our company here. We would like to keep you posted on the latest innovations and any other Brownline news!

Brownline wins Milco Anese Award 2023!

On May 25th, Brownline's Hans Blok accepted the Milco Anese Award for his paper "Intersects for HDD"!

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Throwback: first intersect crossing using Radar add-on in Rotterdam

Ten years ago this month, we did our first intersect drilling with the Radar.

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Employee story: Rick van Woudenberg, Operations Specialist

“I enjoy it when clients find out that the Gyro Steering Tool allows you to do things that you can’t do with other guidance systems.”

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Throwback: 14 parallel drillings under Abu Dhabi Airport

Drilling while crossing a runway while being in use. That was the challenge Brownline faced ten years ago. In December 2012 we started the first...

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The Brownline Academy: where development never stops

Since 2021, Brownline has developed its own intranet: the Brownline Academy.

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Project of the year 2022 – third year in a row!

Again, a project with Brownline’s tools has won Trenchless Technology’s Project of the Year award!

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