
Disclaimer of our website

The domain “www.drillguide.com” is the property of, and is maintained by, Brownline B.V. (“Brownline”). Use of the website is governed by the following terms and any applicable Dutch laws. The contents of both this disclaimer and the information on the website is subject to change from time-to-time.


Brownline has carefully composed the contents of this website. The contents of the website are solely intended for general information purposes towards its users. Brownline does not however guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information. In addition, any user should be aware that the information provided through the website is subject to change from time-to-time.

Intellectual property

Brownline reserves all rights including but not limited to, copyrights and trademark rights, relating to the information that is provided through this website (e.g. designs, logo’s, etc). Users are prohibited from using, reproducing, processing, altering and disseminating any contents provided through this website without the express written permission from Brownline.

Electronic messages

Users assume full responsibility for any correspondence sent through this website. As such electronic messages may be subject to outsider viewing and usage, Brownline advises users to not include confidential or sensitive information in their correspondence.


The user of this information is solely responsible for acting on the basis of the information available at or through the website. Neither Brownline, nor any of its officers, employees, or representatives is liable for any direct or indirect damages howsoever incurred as a result of use of the information available through the website (including links to third-party sites).

In addition, Brownline also does not assume any responsibility for any defects, virus infections or other issues resulting from the use of the website, the information provided through it, or messages sent through it.